Welcome to Steyning
This Guide is sponsored by The Steyning Society to help the visitor and indeed the resident to enjoy a comparatively short walk of about one and a half miles in the centre of Steyning taking in the buildings and features of interest in our Outstanding Conservation Area.
This you should complete comfortably in about an hour or so. We hope therefore that you will have time also to read the information notes which are listed under ‘Information’ within the menu above. The information including a brief history of Steyning is well worth reading before you set off on the tour.
For ease of navigation the tour is split into three parts as referenced in the relevant menu items.
A small part of the Conservation Area, Jarvis Lane, is not included in the actual tour but this, together with a reference to a few other buildings, is described separately should you wish to extend your walk. (page to follow)
To start the tour please proceed to the car park in the high street and then press the button below.